And the Athenian royal family of Cecrops, who seems to have been the biblical Calcol (a descendant of Judah through Zerah), appears to have been transferred to Miletus. . Hector Boece's 16th-century Historia Gentis Scotorum ("History of the Scottish People") also mentions the Scota foundation myth. Murcheartach sent the Stone to his brother Fergus who was crowned upon the Stone and proclaimed his kingdom, Scotland (derived from the name Scota). One of these daughters had recently married an Irish prince of the line of Judah through Zerah. The ‘Milesians’ (Milesus) were a people which migrated to ancient Ireland and began to rule. In referring to the Torah or Law, the Jews often used the name of its author, Moses—as in, "According to Moses, this is what should be done," etc. It was finally brought to Westminster in A.D. 1296, by King Edward I, who 652 years ago, built the Chair in which it still stands today. The Irish are referred to as the "race of Lughaidh" and Ireland as "the land of Lughaidh"—"one of the many arbitrary bardic names for Ireland" (Annals of the Four Masters, Vol. about Thoth’s Storm: New Evidence for Ancient Egyptians in Ireland? The eighth-century monk Nennius says in his British history that Gathelus’ wandering lasted 42 years, after which he lived for a long time in Spain. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. While thought to be a Viking longship at first, continued excavation produced additional ships, wrecked in a storm. This origin (Miletus or one of its 80 colonies) would explain why Gathelus is also called Miledh—this being not a name but a nationality. Where Did the Polynesians Really Come From? Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow | Learn more... With a account you will be able to save items to read and study later! Considering known historical events, it could be that the Milesian settlement of Ireland did not commence until around 535 B.C., when the Carthaginians and Etruscans destroyed the Phocaean (Milesian) fleet in the Western Mediterranean (see Appendix 6: "Dating the Milesian Arrival in Ireland"). �bA�t�a��@QĨ`� The name Bat Scotia or Scota was the title of the eldest daughter of the Rosh Galuta of Scotia. Yet Gathelus and Scota, if they existed, almost certainly did not live in Moses’ day. The word Lughaidh may also come from lugha or lughadh, meaning "oath"—apparently because it invokes God (O’Reilly, note by editor John O’Donovan, p. 671; N. MacLeod and D. Dewar, A Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, 1831, 1909)—and could be related to God’s oath to David. This Miledh, who is also apparently referred to as Gaedal (evidently the Gathelus mentioned by Boece), is said to have fought battles for Egypt against the Ethiopians: "In these he was so successful that his fame and renown spread through all nations, whereupon Pharaoh gave him one of his own daughters to wife. Yet it is also possible that Scota was confused with another Tea who was actually the daughter of a person named Lugaidh, especially if this daughter were named after her. Spanish Proverb:- “Africa empieza en los Pirineos”. <> (If he was truly bitten and then healed by a specific person, the person was likely Jeremiah.). Scota, Pharaoh’s daughter, listened well, for he said in the spirit, ‘Whoso will possess this stone [the Stone of Destiny], shall be the conqueror of a very far-off land.’" Scota’s listening well to Moses may simply mean that she heeded what Moses wrote in Scripture—which was preached to her by the priest and prophet Jeremiah. Bible Verses about Zedekiah's Daughters. Zedekiah's Daughters, Searching for Israel (Part Nine): The Migration of a Monarchy. And from the union of the two royals sprang the kings of Ireland, then Scotland, and later of all Britain. And Jeremiah’s (‘Ollam Fodhla’ of tradition) job was to help fulfill God’s prophecy that He would tear down the high branch (house of Judah in the Holy Land under king Zedekiah), and then plant downward, and build upward, setting up ‘another’ kingline from the seed of Judah in the new lands He gave Israel (see Hosea also). Since the names Scota and Tea both seem to indicate a wanderer, and both are reckoned to have been the daughter of Zedekiah, it is possible that they are one and the same. A new analysis of two 7.2 million-year-old fossils belonging to a hominin species nicknamed “El Graeco” from Mediterranean Europe, suggests that mankind emerged in Europe and not in Africa. This would well describe a Jewish princess of David’s line who came to Ireland by way of the Iberian Peninsula. Did our Lord Jesus Christ actually Himself drink of the ‘cup’ of The New Covenant with His disciples at the ‘last supper’? They just mostly did it in poetic fashion; thus the ‘seanachies’. Zedekiah was the last king over the ‘house of Judah’ in the Holy Land. The Kenite will even use ‘racism’ to try and tear it down, but this info has just as much importance to the Gentile believers on Christ as it does for today’s remnants of the ancestral ‘house of Israel’ of Europe and the Americas. About 700 B.C., it appears in Ireland… there it was . The Mysterious Man from Taured – Evidence for a Parallel Universe? Regarding the Scythians, it is interesting to find that there was a 28-year period about this time during which, according to Herodotus, the Scythians were "masters of Asia" (Book 1: Clio, secs. Thus Esau (Idumea) tried to re-acquire the birthright lost to Jacob, setting up a false kingdom of Israel in the Holy Land. But why would the prophet have brought it only to leave it? Evans then posits the questions: Was the Tara necklace a gift from the Egyptians to a local chieftain after their arrival? Walter Bower's 15th-century Scotichronicon included the first illustrations of the legends. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. Indeed, the same name could perhaps have applied to any of the Israelites dwelling in Egypt. Strange, then, that the coronation pillar of David’s line—which we know from Scripture existed (see Appendix 7: "The Stone of Destiny")—would pass into oblivion while the stone of Zerah persists. The idea that she brought the Ark with her is a fairly new one and was first made as a claim much later in the 1850s. (I plan to cover some of this to more depth from The Word with a future Lost Tribe study, so be looking for it.) It was undoubtedly this same stone that Jacob anointed, 3702 years ago, saying, 'This stone is God's house'." We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. There are three obvious ways in which the daughter of Zedekiah could have been reckoned as the daughter of Pharaoh: 1) Hophra may have actually adopted her, which would not be at all surprising considering the fact that her father, Hophra’s ally, was dead and she and her sister or sisters (we don’t know how many there were) were the remaining heirs of the Jewish throne. [2] To whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign. Several generations later, there was a migration to Ireland, and thence to Scotland. The first recorded king to be crowned upon the stone in Ireland was Heremon (son of Scota, who was the daughter of Zedekiah, king of Judah). Dinner Invitations for Famous People from the Past. In 1296, the Stone was captured by Edward I of England and taken to Westminster Abbey. According to the National Monuments Service, "Following a site inspection in 1999 it was concluded that the evidence was not sufficient to warrant accepting this as an archaeological monument". 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Han Purple: A 2,800-year-old artificial pigment that quantum physicists are trying to understand, Unlocking the Secrets of the Holloways: An Exploration of England's Sunken Labyrinths, The Stunning Ancient Tattoos of the Pazyryk Nomads, 10 Shocking Facts about the Ancient Romans. In the modern world, traveling to and from work seems to be a relatively easy thing to do. At his coronation in 1249, Alexander himself heard his royal genealogy recited generations back to Scota. Robertson explained how ‘events which may have really happened are frequently misplaced and transferred to a wrong epoch, very often owing their misplacement to a wish to build up the fame of some favourite hero, by attributing to him the merit of every important action of several different periods. [9], The 15th-century English chronicler John Hardyng later attempted to debunk Bisset's claims.[10]. 13th Century African Coin Found in Australia, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture…, The everliving rastafari makonen emperor haile selassie i, Benin kingdom, Nigeria, 16th–17th century, The moorish Medicus ordinarius or Army doctor, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture story, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and black Greeks – the lausanne treaty 1924. However, as explained elsewhere, Lughaidh may not have been an actual person—as this name, apparently meaning "God’s House" or "Oath," could have simply applied to the Davidic dynasty. Scottish history abounds with such misplacement’" (Gerber, p. 29, 35). More proof that ALL “Races” have roots from AFRICA. That is why Jesus' grandmother, St. Anna, was born in Brittany. Tamar Tephi and Teia Tephei are said to have been daughters of Zedekiah, King of Judah, but they are fictitious. 20 And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, ‘God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh:’ and he set Ephraim before Manasseh. HUMAN BEINGS ARE PRECISELY THE SAME WHATEVER COLOR, RACE, CREED OR NATIONAL ORIGIN THEY MAY BE.” -Haile Selassie I. I n I Give thanks to our most Divine, Loving Creator, Haile Selassie I. endobj If we consider the existing myths of Ireland’s legends, it, too, was divided to have a central site of unity, known as Mide, the omphalos of Ireland. But…, according to legend, one of Zedekiahs ‘daughters‘ (3 by tradition) escaped with Jeremiah to Egypt, and that prophet, with his scribe Baruk, then took one of those daughters (Scota), to wed one of the sons of Judah from Tamar (‘scarlet thread’ of Gen.38), in ancient Ireland. "The Greek historian Herodotus, writing in the 5th century BC, refers briefly to an Ethiopian war of Psamtik, an expedition that contemporary records prove to have been of great importance. Scota. American King James Version×). This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. Thirdly, there is clear proof that the aforementioned Irish and Scottish records are not completely trustworthy in relating what happened. 12 0 obj This, then, lends credence to the Irish histories—that is, they apparently contain many correct facts but have them in the wrong chronological setting. God’s strengthening of Joseph’s hands for military victory and expansion appears related here to the possession of the stone. From his own name he gave Galloway [or Galway] its name. New York: Cosimo. And the kingline of Europe was descended mostly from that bloodline, even Empress Alexandra of Russia being a descendant of Queen Victoria of England. 5j@Fb�g@b`7T#�\�����b,�o2T;lDXB���3TU�DC���@W��{���~�r��E�[��CU����P��jb����sJD��o�7�B�Vlؼ���[x�j��]Y&Un���q#F�Y�أ�-_��;�M���'�x�{O>��SO=��s/���/��r�'? Within Mide is where the Hill of Tara is situated, as a site of the High Kingship, representing the unity of the land and all of its people. That, however, is unreasonable in the extreme. The Beast with an insatiable Hunger for Human Flesh, The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt. The skeleton was carbon dated to around 1350 BC. From Ireland, the descendants of Niul and Scota travelled to the west coast of Scotland, battled and defeated the Picts, and became the Scottish people. The sons of Mil, after prolonged battle, conquered the de Danaans and took the seat of Tara. Genesis 49:10. As with Gathelus, Scota was probably not her real name. I highly recommend his works. 1951: "Tradition identifies this stone with the one upon which Jacob rested his head at Bethel …. The Scots called it 'Lea Gael'. Ollam Fodhla reigning for 40 years may actually refer to Jeremiah living 40 years from the fall of Jerusalem or from the expulsion from Egypt, which would place his death at either age 98 or 114—neither of which is unreasonable for an ancient prophet of God. However, historians say they were characters created to explain the names and to fit the Gaels into a historical narrative. One of the primary Irish chronicles, The Annals of the Kings of Ireland by the Four Masters, mentions "Tea, daughter of Lughaidh, son of Itha, whom Eremhon married in Spain" (1636, Vol. Hophra, as we’ve elsewhere seen, provided them refuge at a palace in Daphne—the ruins of which were still referred to as the "palace of the Jew’s daughter" as late as the 1800s—under guard of the Milesian mercenaries. In TV shows and movies, if an oasis is shown, it is usually either a mirage or some tiny pool of water next to a palm tree in the middle of the desert. The Egyptian pharaoh of Moses’ day is referred to as Nectanebo. In this case, Zedekiah had two daughters. "House of God" (Hebrew Beth-El) may have been a designation for David’s dynasty or even for the "large, rough stone" reportedly brought by Jeremiah (see Appendix 7: "The Stone of Destiny"). Zedekiah was the last king over the 'house of Judah' in the Holy Land. The prophet guided the transfer of the monarchy of David from the land of Judah to Ireland—accompanied by the coronation stone of David’s house—the Stone of Destiny. Other twelfth-century sources state that Scota was the wife of Geytholos (Goídel Glas), rather than his mother, and was the founder of the Scots and Gaels after they were exiled from Egypt. As with many myths, a real person lent her persona and identity to the landscape of the land she became a part of, giving Scotland her name, giving the Celts an additional layer to their unique heritage that is unsung and still somewhat new in theory, as the truths of history do their slow unraveling of their yarns. First of all, if these events took place around the Exodus, it would place the Milesian arrival in Ireland before the Danaan arrival there—when it clearly came afterward.
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